Archivi tag: Maxime Giroux

“Felix et Meira” di Maxime Giroux

Un amore puro e silenzioso

Felix e Meira sono gli opposti totali. Lui conduce una vita senza responsabilità e legami familiari. La sua unica preoccupazione è quella di sperperare l’eredità del padre. Lei è una giovane donna ebrea, sposata e madre di un bambino, che vive  annoiata all’interno della sua comunità. Nessuna strana connessione tra loro, eppure si incontrano per caso e si innamorano. Anche se ambientata in una odierna Montreal, questa storia romantica si snoda come una vicenda di un altro secolo. Fin dalle prime inquadrature si notano gli strani abiti di questa comunità ebrea che richiamano molto i costumi del secolo passato. Le donne indossano vestiti che non mettono in risalto la loro femminilità e il loro compito all’interno della comunità e della famiglia è molto ristretto: devono garantire la procreazione, a volte partorendo anche sei, otto o addirittura quattordici figli. Continua la lettura di “Felix et Meira” di Maxime Giroux



Article by: Karima Vinti

Translation by: Giulia Magazzù

Felix and Meira are completely different. He leads a life without responsibilities and family ties. His only concern is to squander the legacy of his father. She is a young Jewish woman, married and mother of a child that lives bored inside of her community. There is no strange connection between them, yet they meet by chance and fall in love.

Although set in a present-day Montreal, this romance unfolds like an episode set in another century. From the first shots, you notice the strange dresses in this Jewish community that recall the costumes of the past century. The women wear clothes that do not emphasize their femininity and their task within the community and their family is very narrow: they must ensure procreation, sometimes giving birth to six, eight or even fourteen children.

However, all these things fit Meira snugly. She loves listening to contemporary music, drawing and living like a normal person, but her husband forbid all these activities. When she meets Felix, his extravagance manages to conquer her heart, while undermining all the certainties of the woman.


‘Felix et Meira’ is the third work of the director Maxime Giroux, who has already participated at the Turin Film Festival in 2008 with his first full-length film ‘Demain’.

The director states to have shot this film taking into account the vulnerability and restlessness of the characters, trying to follow with the camera all their movements and trying to seize their humanity. He portraits a love story that seems difficult, and yet stronger than any social restriction. Within the film nothing is emphasized, not gestures, not words nor their love. It is a pure and silent love that looks for a way out to get in with the long-awaited happy conclusion.