Domenica mattina, alla Conferenza stampa del Torino Film Festival era presente quasi l’intero cast de La felicità è un sistema complesso, tanto che non sono bastati i posti a sedere dietro il tavolo. A parte il regista Gianni Zanasi e la montatrice e produttrice Rita Rognoni, infatti, abbiamo assistito agli interventi di Valerio Mastandrea, Giuseppe Battiston, Hadas Yaron, Teco Celio, Filippo De Carli e Camilla Martini.
Enrico Giusti’s job is a very useful one: he gets acquainted with incompetent business executives, he listens to them, then becomes their friend, and eventually manages to take over the company they are not able to run. His ability is to make these people believe that it was their own decision. He is the best and the only one in his field, but guilt does not leave him alone: are all managers like locusts?